See also “What did the Romans ever do for us?“
- Ad nauseam
- Ad hoc
- Status quo
- Etcetera
- QED (Quod erat demonstrandum)
- Per se
- De facto
- Persona non grata
- Bona fide
- Sui generis
- Sine qua non
- Ad infinitum
- Quid pro quo
- Mea culpa – the original “my bad”?
- Deus ex machina
- Alea iacta est – the die is cast (Caesar)
- Memento mori – remember you have to die
- Per ardua ad astra
- Reductio ad absurdum
Some with personal meaning –
- Ars longa vita brevis (motto of University of Sheffield Medical School)
- Concordia Parvae Res Crescunt (motto of Merchant Taylors’ School)
And some good ones I need to use more –
- In vino veritas – you are likely to get the truth when someone is drinking?
- Festina lente – hurry but slowly [Augustus]
- Audentes fortuna iuvat – fortune favours the bold (Pliny the Elder
leaving Pompeii to rescue his friend – also in Aeneid) - Si vis Amari ama – if you want to be loved, love (Seneca)
- Ubi amor, ibi dolor – where there is love, there is pain
- Magister dixit – the teacher has spoken
- Semper in execretum solum profundum variat? Always in shit, only the
depth varies - Omnia mea mecum porto – all that is mine I carry with me (ie
character, intelligence)