Orthdox Christianity
Eastern (Orthodox) church split from Western in 1000 – issues seem pretty trivial: Mostly because Rome tried to impose rules on everyone else. Procession of the Holy Spirit John 15:26 says the Spirit proceeds from the Father, so this is the wording found originally in the Nicene Creed. But the form of the Creed adopted…
Dietrich Bonhoffer
Educated, cultured, brothers became lawyers and engineers – perhaps as an act of rebellion studied theology! Thought about being a concert pianist but considered his fingers too fat. Saw a world “come of age”, like Nietzsche – no need for god anymore. And certainly not keen on religion as a crutch. Spent time in Harlem…
A range of sects arising across Roman empire at same time as early Christianity. Myths related to Seth, 3rd son of Adam, multiple “emanations” of divine including Sophia who sought to know the unknowable, unnameable. Creator god (demiurge) of old testament as flawed, material world as evil. Redemption through knowledge (gnosis). Orthodox Christianity of bishops,…
2 slips of paper
Rabbi Simcha Bunem of Pershyscha was said to carry two slips of paper, one in each pocket. On one he wrote: Bishvili nivra ha-olam—“for my sake the world was created.” On the other he wrote: V’anokhi afar v’efer”—“I am but dust and ashes.” He would take out each slip of paper as necessary, as a reminder to himself.
Fires of Hell
Fires of hell – Calvin’s Institutes say these are figurative. How desolate to be cut off from fellowship with god. [Gilead]
Mistaken Identity – Reith Lectures 2016 – Kwame Anthony Appiah
Genetically we seem predisposed to seek links with groups outside our immediate family, and seek differences that distinguish “us” and “them”. Important in the small groups that early man survived in. Colour – Western peoples assumed everyone came from Abraham, via Noah, and race/colour were considered mere geographical variations! Race ideas emerged at same time…
Culture Wars
Josie Appleton (Institute of Ideas) When wars of religion ended, wars of culture took over. Islamism began with people leaving Europe to go to Afghanistan or Bosnia. Jihad was how Bedouin tribes came together to defend community or expand empire. Al Qaeeda then declared war on US colossus but chain of command, objective focussed cf ISIS – have…
2nd century Bishop of Lyon, then in Gaul. At that time, a multitude of different Christianities, with Gnosticism an important force. In his work, “Against Heresies”, he emphasized the unbroken chain from the apostles through the bishops, eg the Roman church, and the 4 Gospels as being the core scripture of Christianity, in addition to…