Dietrich Bonhoffer

Educated, cultured, brothers became lawyers and engineers – perhaps as an act of rebellion studied theology!

Thought about being a concert pianist but considered his fingers too fat.

Saw a world “come of age”, like Nietzsche – no need for god anymore. And certainly not keen on religion as a crutch.

Spent time in Harlem before the war, where he witnessed exclusion and deprivation.

Hitler wanted to install a bishop over all the various Protestant churches, which went against Bonhoffer’s Lutheranism. So he helped set up a network of churches against this plan. Resisted anti-Jewish acts such as adoption of Aryan paragraph by churches (expelling those of Jewish origin). Banned from teaching and preaching, he taught secretly travelling from village to village – his students were also working illegally.

Went back to New York just before the war but decided quickly he had to be where the action was. Knew that either nationalism would win and the church would die, or vice versa.

Joined the military intelligence service where many of the plots against Hitler originated. Acted as a courier for resistance and helped German Jews escape.

Spent time over a year in prison, writing letters but also novels and plays.

Tortured/hung with piano wire just a few weeks before the end of the war along with other conspirators at Flossenburg concentration camp on Czech border.

Most of his philosophy was contained in letters to a good friend, published after his death.

“Cheap grace” – because of God’s forgiveness, we do not challenge ourselves enough to follow Jesus. The Rich Man story is harsh, after all.

He also saw (along with Nietzsche) that God/religion had become somewhat optional in modern life – so promoted spiritual life above religious acts.

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