Category: History

  • Orthdox Christianity

    Eastern (Orthodox) church split from Western in 1000 – issues seem pretty trivial: Mostly because Rome tried to impose rules on everyone else.  Procession of the Holy Spirit John 15:26 says the Spirit proceeds from the Father, so this is the wording found originally in the Nicene Creed. But the form of the Creed adopted…

  • Renaissance artists of Tuscany

    Feel like my education has been lacking… And I have been to Florence and still ignorant! Giotto was revolutionary, according to Kenneth Clarke. Art (Byzantine) before that had been decorative – busy, fancy – he simplified the backgrounds to concentrate on the story, he painted actual people, with 3D solidity and natural looking garments. My…

  • Dietrich Bonhoffer

    Educated, cultured, brothers became lawyers and engineers – perhaps as an act of rebellion studied theology! Thought about being a concert pianist but considered his fingers too fat. Saw a world “come of age”, like Nietzsche – no need for god anymore. And certainly not keen on religion as a crutch. Spent time in Harlem…

  • The Knights Templar

    Formed to protect visitors to holy land after first crusade, based at Al Aqsa mosque – hence “knights of the temple of Solomon”, then Templar. Warrior monks, with a code that shunned ostentation, vows of poverty and celibacy. Attracted funding from across Europe and candidates from the lower order of rich families’ sons. Over 200…

  • The Neanderthals

    [From “You’re dead to me” BBC podcast] Ironically Neander (valley in Germany where they were first discovered) means new man… Restricted to Eurasia, and not clear why it took Homo sapiens so long to move in. From 400 000 years ago, lived in parallel for a long time, with frequent intermingling – and since definition…

  • What did the Romans ever do for us?

    Introduced apples, pears, peas and probably fast food – for all the soldiers constantly on the move. Trademarks – having the Emperor on your coins was the start of a trend of potters stamping their products with their name. Toilets, baths and drains.  Plus the acqueducts to get water to you. Roads of course, stone…

  • East Kilbride history

    In 1793, Kilbride (East as a prefix was not yet commonly used) had one street and two lanes.  That street is what we now divide into Parkhall, Montgomery and Glebe Streets and the two lanes are today’s Kittoch and Hunter Streets. Main Street became the principal thoroughfare when the new turnpike road from Glasgow to Strathaven was…

  • Apollo 8

    According to Neil Armstrong, Apollo 8 was the most significant space mission! It was first space mission where humans left orbit. 200 000 miles to moon, cf 600 miles! Russians thought to be 4 months away from moon mission, second Saturn rocket test failed (still most powerful rocket ever), 3 deaths in Apollo 1 accident,…

  • Universalism and Nationalism

    Montesquieu- I am a father, before I am a Parisian. I am a Parisian before I am a Frenchman. I am a Frenchman before I am a European. But in a virtuous world I would run to the aid of a stranger as readily as I would to the aid of a friend. We aspire…

  • Highland clearances

    Clan system not formalised, “protection” of chief in return for service esp military. Gaelic idea of duthchas (loyalty). Pressure was increased prices with Napoleonic wars and debts, due to elites trying to maintain lifestyle with minimal revenue. Against emigration recruitment initially (people as assets) instead Sheep introduced. given crofts with limited (inadequate) land and encouraged to fish…